Monday, August 4, 2008

Photo Gallery of raising Day Function At Amar Jawan Jyoti on 05.08.2007

Shri Bharat Singh Chhoker (MLA, Harayana) With Member of NExCC At India Gate, signing the Visitor Diary on the 05.08.2007

Members of NEXCC With Shri Bharat Singh Chokker (MLA Harayana), laying Wreath At Amar Jawan Jyoti.

Members of NEXCC taking Wreath to Amar Jawan Jyoti along with Cheif Guest.


Ram Kumar said...

It is really nice to see old memories of RAISING DAY FUNCTION at INDIA GATE on 5th Aug2007.

Ram Kumar said...

NExCC delhi celebrated its RAISING DAY FUNCTION on 5th Aug2008 at INDIA GATE. The Chief Guest on te occassio was Smt RAMA PIOLT. Sqn. Ldr. KAMAL CHAUDHARY Chief Patron of NExCC persided over the FUNCTION. Wreath was laid at AMAR JAWAN JYOTI in the Memories of MARTYERS on theis Occassion.